27 Sustainable Christmas Ideas 🎁
10 Minute Read
In recent years, Christmas has become a time of massive over-indulgence, and it is easy to get carried away with food, gifts, and everything else that goes alongside it. That’s not great for the Earth though, and since the pandemic forced us to have smaller celebrations last year, many of us are opting for a more sustainable Christmas than ever before.

Our Sustainability
We’ve always been incredibly conscious to keep the planet in mind and to minimise the environmental impact of the business. Our slogan tells you everything: Sustainability and responsibility are an integral part of everything we do at Ben Simpson Furniture. As you’d expect, we’re the same at home and at play, and the same goes at Christmas. With that in mind, we thought we’d share a quick list of some of the best ideas we’ve seen to help you have an eco-friendly, sustainable Christmas, this year and for all the ones to come.
Sustainable Christmas Gift Ideas
When you’re buying Christmas gifts – especially for those people that seem to have everything and don’t want for anything – then buying a sustainable gift means that they will appreciate your efforts all the more.
1. DRINKS | Buy them a drink that they can feel good about – this wine supports the Marine Turtle Rescue Centre in Baa Atoll!
2. DONATIONS | Donate to a conservation or environmental charity in their name instead of a gift (this works really well if you have a group to buy for and you all make the donation together!
3. HOMEMADE | Make foodie gifts at home. Making relish or jam means you can use up what you’ve got saved from your garden, and you can reuse jars – simply design a pretty label using Canva, or get the kids to draw them! Otherwise, hand made cookies, chocolates and gingerbread are perfect Christmas gifts – and you can repurpose boxes and baskets for a zero-waste wrap.
4. ORGANIC CLOTHES | If you’re buying clothes, look for items that use organic cotton (or alternatives such as organic bamboo) and especially from brands that allow you to send items back for recycling when they are worn out.
5. ZERO WASTE GIFTS | Search for ‘zero waste gifts’ – even if you’re buying more generic gifts such as soaps, candles and food gifts, you can do your bit to ensure nothing is wasted by buying consciously.
6. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES | Don’t forget to support your local small businesses when you’re shopping – the past two years have been tough; they need your support more than the likes of Amazon! And don’t forget, like us, many other local small businesses are pretty likely to offer home delivery too!

Sustainable Christmas Decorations
We know many people have been getting their decorations up early this year – and after the past few years, we don’t blame you! But buying yet more baubles, tinsel, and other bits that are covered in glitter aren’t great for the environment. Why not have a go at some DIY projects instead – and keep the kids entertained through December?
7. CIRCULAR CHRISTMAS TREE | Buy a potted Christmas tree – or rent one from a local farm!
8. WREATH | If you’re making a wreath, use natural elements and steer clear of glitter (and compost it in January!)
9. TREE LIGHTS | Use LED lights for decorations – they use far less power.
10. TURN THOSE LIGHTS OFF | Plug lights into a timer to make sure they get switched off on time
11. HOME BAKE-OFF | Bake biscuits and thread them on ribbon for the tree.
12. OLD SCHOOL DECS | Make old-school paper chains or thread popcorn onto string for the tree – you can put it out for the birds, or compost it in the new year (as long as you haven’t used glitter, of course).

Sustainable Christmas Food And Drink Ideas
It wouldn’t be Christmas without an abundance of treats to be had – and while we’re not suggesting that you should scale it back to a regular old week, there are some great steps that you can take to help keep waste to a minimum.
13. BAKE YOUR TREATS | You’ll be saving on cardboard, foil, and plastic – and homemade almost always tastes better!
14. BUY CONSCIOUSLY | You don’t need double of everything (except maybe cheese, mince pies, and chocolate…!)
15. KNOW YOUR DATES | Make sure you know the use by dates on perishable items
16. MAKE A PLAN | Create a meal plan for the week so you can use all your ingredients without waste
17. THE FREEZER IS YOUR FRIEND | Where you end up with too much of something, use your freezer – you’ll be pleased when you have leftovers to add to delicious meals on cold January nights!
18. CHOOSE ORGANIC | Go for locally made drinks where possible.

Wrapping, Cards And Parties
We know that sending Christmas cards has been on the decline year on year, but there are still those important people to send to – even if you’re expecting to buy them a drink at one of the many Christmas parties that we’re hoping for this year.
19. REFILL THAT ADVENT | Buy a refillable advent calendar that you can use each year to save on paper and plastic waste.
20. CHOOSE CHRISTMAS CARDS WISELY | buy ones printed on recycled paper, or plantable ones that contain seeds to be sown in the garden in the spring
21. ECO WRAPPING | Wrap gifts with fabric bags or gift wrap squares that you can tie with ribbon and reuse each year (you can buy them, or make them!)
22. CHOOSE RECYCLED & RECYCLE AFTER | If you have to use paper, choose recycled paper that can be recycled again – and find paper tape rather than plastic sticky tape.
23. RECYLE YOUR WASTE | If you receive Christmas cards, recycle them or compost them in January, or save them for next year’s decoration projects (especially glittery ones, which can’t be recycled!)

Sustainable Christmas Party Ideas
Talking of Christmas parties, they can get really wasteful too – so here are a few ideas to keep things better for the environment.
24. AVOID PLASTIC CUPS | Avoid all plastic, borrowing glassware from supermarkets for your Christmas party.
25. BAMBOO PLATES | If you absolutely must use single-use plates, look for recycled paper that you can compost afterwards.
26. DIFFERENT PARTIES | Throw a ‘mugs and muffins’ get-together with youngsters and those who don’t drink alcohol – everyone brings their favourite mug with them for coffee, tea, or cocoa – it is delicious and there is less washing-up for you!
27. GET THE MOST OF OLD CLOTHES | You don’t need brand new dresses for parties! Wear your favourite party dress again (literally nobody will remember – we promise!) or find second-hand, or thrifted vintage pieces to wear. You could also swap, either with a friend, or through a clothing rental app – the possibilities are endless!
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